
onsdag 30. april 2014

Sunny norge

Hei! What a great weather today in Trondheim! I was really surprised,  because in the morning it was raining all the time. In the afternoon, the sun started to shine and the weather became awesome! My sister and I decided to go to town to enjoy the weather
These two are fruit smoothies with frozen yoghurt. It's from a new café and I really enjoyed it. I defenitely go there again.

- Marit

tirsdag 29. april 2014


Hei! I am back from Kristiansund. My sister and I wanted to shop, but we didn't want to shop in Trondheim. We've been there a very short time ago and we wanted to go somewhere else. My sister had the great idea to go to Kristiansund. We went by train and I was really surprised how fast we were there!

 First I bought this cute thing for in my hair. I saw it by other bloggers and I think it a great thing for summer. It costs 39 NOK.
 Mango is one of my favorite stores. I've bought this cute top with beads, a grey shirt and a cute skirt. I can't wait to wear them!

As you can see (and read), my day was amazing. Now I am chilling with my laptop and maybe I am going to watch a movie that I've bought yesterday.

- Marit

mandag 28. april 2014

(nesten) syk

Hei! I think I am having a cold. My head feels so heavy and I had to sneeze a thousand times! I hope it will be over tomorrow. My father came home today. He had to go to Iceland for work. Of course he brought some nice presents. I'm collecting flags from countries where we've been and he bought a nice flag. He also bought a nice bracelet, famous Icelandic body cream and a bag. I'm a happy girl :-)

I hope I'll be fine tomorrow, because my sister and I have plans to go by train to a big city to shop. We don't know which city, because we don't want to shop in Trondheim anymore (We've been there too much these days!)

søndag 27. april 2014

Oz botanics

Hei! It's saturday, wuhuuu. I have to confess that I didn't do a lot today. I am enjoying these days that I don't have to do a lot for school. I think everybody has that lazy days.
But.. I want to tell you something about a product that I've bought a couple of days ago:

It's a great conditioner from Oz botanics. It's a Australian brand (Yup, you can compare it with Aussie) and I absolutely love it. The smell is amazing and you get soft hair! You should try it too

- Marit

torsdag 24. april 2014


Hei! What a weird that today. I had to start late in the morning so I was able to sleep a bit longer. When I came at school, I heard that the teacher was sick so I went home again. In the evening, my Spanish lessons started again. Now I am chilling with my Macbook on the couch.

- Marit

onsdag 23. april 2014


Hei! I was really disappointed today. I had a day without school and I wanted to celebrate it with my sister. We wanted to do something outside, because many people said that the weather was great. Unfortunately... that wasn't true. When I woke up,it was cold and rainy. Therefore we played bordgames and played with the playstation.

Now I am watching television and I hear that it is raining (again!) Tomorrow I will start again with a long day of school and Spanish lessons.

- Marit

tirsdag 22. april 2014

Here we go again

Hei! School started again today. Of course I didn't look forward to it because I liked my free time. Fortunately tomorrow I don't have school, and my sister too, so we are figuring out what we want to do. Maybe I am going to make some pictures with my canon camera!
I hope you had a nice day!

 - Marit

mandag 21. april 2014

Siste dagene

Hei! Easter is a very busy time, so I didn't have the time to blog every day. Therefore I made a blog post for all the days.

19 april - I had to get used to the fact that I didn't have to learn anymore.I did it for a very long time and when I woke up, I thought I had to learn. I started the day with a power shake with an episode of Gossip Girl. In the afternoon, my mother asked if I wanted to go to town with her. She wanted to go to a shop that will close in a couple of weeks. Now they have 50% discount on everything! Of course I said yes. I've bought a spanish dictionary and a DVD.

20 april- In the morning we went to friends. They live in a beautiful house in the woods and I love to visit them. It's first easter day! We ate a whole chocolate bunny. They also gave us some vegetables from their garden Jummy! I can't wait to make delicious and healthy shakes. In the afternoon we went to a interior boulevard. I must confess that I saw the most ugly couch I've ever seen! It was green and I can't believe that someone will buy it haha.

21 april - Second easter day. Today the weather is perfect. In the morning I've been outside and red a book which was a quiet sad story. In the afternoon we go to family who lives about an hour away. I can't wait to see my cousin! She has a very big trampoline and we wanted to try some saltos that we saw on youtube. I hope we don't get hurt! We also stay there for dinner.

I think I didn't forget something. As you can see, I have beautiful easter days and I hope that you all also have great days! Of course, I ate too much chocolate. The gym is waiting...

- Marit

fredag 18. april 2014

New in

Hei! I didn't have to learn today. That is such a great feeling. I woke up and turned on the television to watch an old episode of Gossip girl. My sister and I wanted to shop today to celebrate that the tests are over. I bought a beautiful wallet from Mango

I am going to use it for my phone. I always trew my phone in my bag, but I am afraid that the glass will break one time. This will be the perfect solution!

- Marit

torsdag 17. april 2014

Red all stars

Hei! The tests are finally over. Now I have easter break! My package from Nelly.com came today. Very fast, because I thought it would arrive tomorrow or later. Here are the pictures of my new babies:

I can't believe that the All stars were so cheap. Now I feel that I had to buy more. I am really happy with them. I hope you all also had a great day!

- Marit

onsdag 16. april 2014


Heisann! I think everybody hates the day before the test. It is a very stressful day and you want to make sure you know everything. This is exactly what happened to me today. Fortunately the weather was great this day so I was able to sit outside!

Yupp, this is what I have to learn. I think all this paper costs a lot of wood (maybe a whole rain forest). But.. I also have good news! I passed my Spanish exam. I still don't know how, but I passed. Of course, my sister and I celebrated in in style

Hihi, Licor cuarenta y tres. Next semester I still have Spanish and I really hope that the test will be a lot easier. Wish me luck tomorrow!

- Marit

tirsdag 15. april 2014


Hei! Today I went with my mother to the optician. Previous week me and my sister chose new glasses for her. After that, we went to town to drink something because it took more than one hour! We tought it was done in 15 minutes ;-) Now I am learning for the test on thursday with a biscuit with strawberries

mmmm delicious! I wanted to go running outside, but it's very windy in Trondheim at the moment. I think I need to wait (again!)

- Marit

søndag 13. april 2014


Hei! Herregud, the weekend is already over! My sunday started with a great workout in the gym. After a great workout, I feel so good. Jeg elsker trening! After that, my sister and I decided to learn, because we both have a test on thursday. In the afternoon, my cousin came over. I didn't know, so it was a big surprise. She wanted to do my hair, so she was my hairdresser. Here is one of the results:

Er det ikke fint? I absolutely love it, but I am sure it won't stay like this for the whole day. Maybe I'll have to use a lot of hairspray ;-)

- Marit

lørdag 12. april 2014


Hei! Just after I posted the blog post from yesterday, I had a package in my mailbox. A couple of days, I ordered some things for my Iphone and some jewelery but I didn't think that it would arrive that early!

I am totally in love with my new Iphone cover. It looks so cute. The pearl is useful to. It prevents that dust will come in the Iphone. I also like the jewelery. I can't wait to wear them. This all costs less than 40 NOK! I will definitely buy something again! HER is the link to the website.

And I also bought new All stars on Nelly.com They have a huge mid season sale and they also had all stars for sale! I bought low red ones. Can't wait ;-)

- Marit

fredag 11. april 2014

Mye støy

Hei! Thank God it's friday! Today we get a new closet in our living room. And yes, that makes a lot of noise. It's a great excuse to stop learning and doing something else. I promised you to make a picture of what I've bought yesterday.

 Of course, the popular Zara bag. I think I have almost 100 of them. I think it is great that they don't use plastic for the bags. Wihuu for the invironment!
And this is my new purchase. It's a denim colored jegging. I already have it in another color, but I liked it so much that I wanted two! They're also very cheap: Only 200 NOK! That's what they call: special price! I hope Zara will start with a new sale soon, but I think I have to wait a couple of weeks.

Happy friday kjære lesere,
- Marit

torsdag 10. april 2014

Zara innkjøp

Hei! Herregud what a day! I had two tests and I must confess that I was really nervous. I had one in the morning and one in the evening. The first one went well and I was happy! I knew the answers came in the internet and I had only six mistakes wuhhuuuu! The second one was spanish and that was a very hard one! I forgot to learn Some things so it was very hard, I hope I still pass!

I decided to go shopping because I was so fustrated. I bought a pants from one of my favorite brands Zara. I will show you tomorrow. Now I am going to sleep, good night!

- Marit

onsdag 9. april 2014

App: Plant nanny

Hei! I wanted to recommend a app that I use for a long time. I know that many person have problems with drinking. They don't drink that much. Of course, that's not very healthy. I have the same problem. I also carry a bottle of water in my bag, but I simply forget to drink. Fortunately they've made an app for it: Plant nanny!

You can create a garden with plants. When you start, you have to answer some questions so that they can calculate how much water you need each day. Then, when you drink water, you can give the plant water too! The app reminds you when you need a new glass of water.

I must say that the app works for me. I drink a lot of water now because the app reminds me to drink water. The app is available in the app-store for mobile and tablet.

- Marit

tirsdag 8. april 2014

Bare meg og min macbook

Hei! I think everyone know those days that you are learning the whole day. I think i have squared eyes right now because I've looked at my Macbook for so many hours. Of course, I take some breaks (way too long breaks) My sisters asked my if I wanted to go shopping with her, but I refused (amazing isn't it?!)

Right now I am chilling on the couch with my Macbook. The weather in Trondheim is terrible right now! I can't wait when the summer starts again! I hope you all have a better day than me!

- Marit

mandag 7. april 2014


Hei! How was your monday? Normally I had monday, but this one was okay. I had school 'till three o'clock and then I had learn (again!) My mother had an appointment this evening so she wasn't able to cook diner. My sister and I decided to go to MacDonalds. It was a long time ago that went to MacDonalds.

 I didn't know that MacDonalds tried to be more healthy. I thought they only served fast food, but they also have fruit smoothies. This one is with ananas and mango. It was very delicious!

- Marit

søndag 6. april 2014

Healthy sunday

Heisann! I hope you all had a nice sunday. I started my day with learning for the test. Then I went to the gym. Fortunately my mother brought me by car because it was rainy the whole morning. I did some rowing, cycling and of course running!

 In the afternoon I wanted some coconut. My mother bought it a couple of days ago, but she warned my that I was very hard to make it open. And yes... she was right. I treid 20 minutes to make it go open (I even tried it with my dads tools) but it didn't work out. Maybe some of you have a good idea? Fortunately my mum also bought a Spanish melon :-)

- Marit

lørdag 5. april 2014

snakker du spansk?

Hei! my saturday started with a healthy shake with some muesli. I think I am kinda addicted to muesli. I eat it almost every day. Right now I am learning for my Spanish test that I have next thursday. Yes, I started to follow Spanish lessons for a couple of months. Previous thursday I had a oral exam and fortunately I passed!

I think Spanish is a very beautiful language. Tough it is hard to learn because it is so different than Norwegian. I hope I'll get a good grade thursday. Happy saturday dear readers!

- Marit

fredag 4. april 2014


Hei! Weekend again! Today my friends told me that they want to organize a surpriseparty for my birthday. I am so excited. Today my parents are away so  I have to cook for myself and my sister. I still don't know what I want to cook, so I'll look on the internet if I can find something. I also want to show you the things that I've bought yesterday:

 Rayban Aviator. I already had one, but mine was broken. I am so happy that I've got a new one. Raybans are amazing sunglasses. I've bought this one yesterday in Trondheim.

Wuhuuu my order from Coverbrands.no came today. I ordered two red colored lipsticks.
I hope you all have a great weekend!

- Marit

onsdag 2. april 2014


Hei! I can't believe that I forgot to blog again! This is going the wrong way. I am lying when I say that I was too busy with Fools day. When I was younger, I used to prank my sister the whole time, but now I think I am too old. I am still busy with some projects from school that I have to finish next wednesday. That means: stresslevel 1000000! I have a day off today, so I am going to use it wisely (I hope) I also received a discount coupon from H&M yesterday. And.. the sun is shining. Wuhhuu, I missed that!

Now I want to go to Egypt to get my brown legs back! I think I am going to run in the afternoon to take a break from my homework. Tonight I am going to watch a new episode of Pretty Little Liars. Loveee it!

- Marit