
tirsdag 16. juni 2015


Heeei! Now I have holidays, I got plenty other thingss to do like shopping, shopping and (make a guess...) more shopping. I also like to shop on the internet. I found these cute passport holders and I ordered them immediately:

There are so cute. So much better than the normal boring front. I ordered the pink one for myself and the brown one for my sister.

Hvad synes dere?
- Marit

lørdag 13. juni 2015


Heeei! Endelig har jeg sommerferie. Finally I got time to blog again. I had a very busy time with a lot of essays and tests, but I am happy they are over now. Now I have to wait until the results are revealed and if I didn't pass I have to make the re-sit :(  Currenly I am planning what I am going to do in my free time!

- Marit

onsdag 3. juni 2015

Gossip girl

Heeei! Herregud, sometimes you are so busy that the time really flies. I can't believe it's already the 3th of june. In the morning, I had to go to school. In the afternoon. I visit a friend to watch Gossip girl season 3. I am in love with Gossip girl. I love their outfits and how they live. I can't imagine that somebody doesn't want to live like that ;)

Tomorrow is my last day and then I got helg! Next week I got two tests so maybe I have to starting studying ;) Have a nice day.

- Marit

mandag 1. juni 2015

ingen inspirasjon..

Heei Every blogger knows this problem: no inspiration. I am back from my long break blogging, but now I am back... without inspiration. I can't believe that I don't have inspiration, because I didn't blog for a long time. It's already june!

I spent my weekend at IKEA to shop for new furniture for my bedroom. I love IKEA, because they have amazing stuff for nice prizes. I also had a lot of exams previous weeks and I am still busy finishing essays and learning for another test. I can't wait until the summer holidays start, wuuhuu!

I hope I will get inspiration soon, because otherwise I can't blog. 

- Marit