
fredag 11. april 2014

Mye støy

Hei! Thank God it's friday! Today we get a new closet in our living room. And yes, that makes a lot of noise. It's a great excuse to stop learning and doing something else. I promised you to make a picture of what I've bought yesterday.

 Of course, the popular Zara bag. I think I have almost 100 of them. I think it is great that they don't use plastic for the bags. Wihuu for the invironment!
And this is my new purchase. It's a denim colored jegging. I already have it in another color, but I liked it so much that I wanted two! They're also very cheap: Only 200 NOK! That's what they call: special price! I hope Zara will start with a new sale soon, but I think I have to wait a couple of weeks.

Happy friday kjære lesere,
- Marit

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